Waterfront Citizens' Advisory Committee


“The primary goal of the committee is to clearly define a waterfront Revitalization Plan utilizing the adopted Waterfront Plan, Comprehensive Plan, and Vision Plan as they relate to development of the Waterfront zone.

 The primary purpose of the Wheeler Waterfront Revitalization Plan is to ensure that the Wheeler Waterfront is managed as a critical economic resource to stimulate and support the local economy consistent with the goals of the community. See Comprehensive Plan Goal 17.

Scope of Responsibility:

The Citizen Advisory Committee will have broad representation across the shareholder base and will be comprised of: Citizens (2), Business (2), Council (2), Planning Commission (1).  The intent is to keep the group a manageable size to facilitate an efficient process. The committee will be comprised of an odd number members for voting on elements of the plan.

Graphic and verbal description of the key elements will be used to formulate a clear concise plan for revitalization of the Waterfront. No NEW elements will be considered. Existing already adopted plans will be used and documented by the committee.

Level of Authority:

The group is accountable to City Council.

Communication Linkages:

The committee will provide a status report at the regular CC monthly meetings.


Completion of the document is targeted for the close of calendar year 2023 with an additional three months for public hearings.

Resources Available:

Utilize adopted plans; Comprehensive, Vision and Waterfront Development to create a consolidated Waterfront Revitalization document.

The sole work to be done is to document and graphically represent what past Councils have already adopted. This committee will not change or insert new factors.

Membership Expectations:

Committee applicants will be selected/appointed by council per Wheeler’s Charter. The following criteria will be used for selection. It is expected that the participants familiarize themselves with the content of existing documents.

Meeting Dates:

Twice a month beginning in August. Day of week and time to be established after the committee is selected.







A Citizens Advisory Committee will be appointed by the City Council to facilitate development of Wheelers Waterfront Revitalization Plan.

Scope of Work:

1) Utilize existing adopted documents as follows: Comprehensive Plan, Vision Plan, and Wheeler Waterfront Plan

2) Identify references regarding Waterfront.

3) Create graphic representations (drawings, photos, depictions) to provide guidance for future development. 

4) Consolidate and prepare an architectural guide (draft) to facilitate developers in meeting the Waterfront Development standards.

5) Consult with DLCD and Legal staff for alignment with state land use law(s).

6) Seek input from/at Planning Commission and City Council meetings through the public hearings process.

Criteria for Committee Members

  1. Live, own property, or own/manage a business in Wheeler
  2. Support the goals and objectives of the committee and support the scope of work as stated above.
  3. Be available to participate in meetings.

The committee will include representatives from the Planning Commission, City Council, Business, and Citizens at large. This task group is slated with gathering criteria from existing, already adopted City documents.

Selection Questions:

Have you served on a citizen committee in the past?

If so, what was the topic, duration, time commitment.

What background and skills do you bring to the committee?

If you are interested in being considered for the committee please submit a volunteer application with a statement of qualifications by July 10th. Applications must include a response to the selection questions listed above and state adherence to criteria for Committee Membership. Applications may be hard copy and submitted to City Hall or electronic and emailed to cityofwheeler@ci.wheeler.or.us