Grants and Funding

The following grants and outright funding have been secured for Wheeler:

1.Tillamook County Visitors Association Tourism Related Facility Grant: $75,000

  • New, upgraded restroom facilities in Wheeler's water front park

2. Oregon Parks and Recreation Grant: $75,000

  • New, upgraded restroom facilities in Wheeler's water front park

3. Business Oregon Technical Assistance Grant: $20,000

  • Geo technical Investigation on Hemlock St.

4. Clean Water State Revolving Fund: $54,000

  • 100% Forgivable Loan
  • Geo-technical investigation and engineering report Hemlock St. 

5. Safe Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund: $1,464,000

  • Includes a $700,631 loan at 1% for 30 years and a $763,789 forgivable loan
  • Replacement of AC water mains throughout the City

6. Small Cities Allotment Grant: $249,810

  • Paving on 4th and Vosberg