Election Information


As per the City of Wheeler Charter at the general election occurring in 2002 and every four years thereafter, three Council Positions shall be elected.  At the general election occurring in 2004 and every four years thereafter, two Council Positions shall be elected. The City of Wheeler uses the "at large" voting method. The at-large system referred to a system where every candidate on a governing body is elected by a plurality of all voters in the jurisdiction. In other words, the candidates who get the most votes from the entire city win.


City Mayor and 3 Councilor Positions will be on the November 2024 election ballot.  The filing period for candidates to be named on the ballot must be completed by 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 27, 2024.  It is highly recommended that anyone interested in filing for a City Council position read through the Candidate Manual.

The first step in running for office is completing and submitting to the City Recorder a completed Candidate Filing Form SEL 101 and SEL 121.  Return your SEL 101 and SEL 121 to Wheeler City Hall by Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 3:30 pm to allow time for us to submit the filing to the County Clerk for signature verification before filing closes on August 30, 2024.

Please contact the City Recorder for additional information about the process.



Denise Donohue

Bill "Willow" Goulardt


Heidi Stacks

Mary Leverette

Gary Gitzen

Gordon Taylor

For election updates, please visit the Tillamook County Clerk's Election Division

City of Wheeler Elections Official:

Wes Wootten, City Recorder

Wheeler City Hall, 775 Nehalem Blvd., Wheeler, OR 97147

(503) 368-5767



Additional Information:

So you want to run for local office... A guide for prospective city elected officials

SEL 101 : Candidate Filing Form

SEL 121 : Candidate Signature Sheet - Nonpartisan

City Candidate Manual

Candidate Quick Guide on Campaign Finance