Local Versus Distant Tsunami

Local Tsunami

A local tsunami can come onshore  [tsunami-th] within 15 to 20 minutes after the earthquake – before there is time for an official warning from the national warning system. Ground shaking from the earthquake may be the only warning you have. Evacuate quickly!  If you are located in the "Inundation/Evacuation Zone", move as soon as it is safe to do so, to the Assembly Area nearest your current location. Remember to take your Go-Bag!  There will be numerous aftershocks and additional tsunamis, so DO NOT return to the Inundation/Evacuation Zone or back into your home until further official instructions have been announced. 

Distant Tsunami

A distant tsunami will take 4 hours or more to come ashore. You will feel no earthquake and the tsunami will generally be smaller than that from a local earthquake. Typically, there is time for an official warning and evacuation to safety.

Official announcements over NOAA radio will indicate local area that have been put on an official TSUNAMI WARNING.  Always turn on your local broadcast media or NOAA weather radio for the most current updates and further information.